Great Lighting Designers Make a 100% Difference

May 31, 2024

There are many options to add light to your property: asking your landscaper, your architect, or even doing it yourself with fixtures from a hardware store. So why hire a professional landscape design team? Because having an educated specialist, whose sole focus is making the most out of landscape lighting makes a massive impact.

The Right Design for the Right Home

A lot of the benefits that professional lighting designers offer come before the light ever reaches soil. A trained specialist knows that every type of lighting fixture has a specific usage, and that the size, design, and precise placement of that fixture makes all the difference in it’s effectiveness. Most landscape companies or do-it-yourself homeowners don’t know the true range of products available, let alone how to make the most of them. A good designer also establishes strong relationships with their distributors and manufacturers to make sure they receive high quality, consistent products. The benefits don’t just appear in the aesthetic appearance of the home either. Great landscape lighting design ensures longevity and durability through proper route planning and voltage distribution. Even knowing the right number, size, and type of transformers to install can be the difference between your system failing in a year or lasting for a decade.

The Theory of Design

When you see poor outdoor lighting, you know it: bright lights shining in your eye, small pools of illumination, dark patches through out the property, and little variety. When you see good outdoor lighting, it looks natural and effortless, and it may be easy to overlook all the choices made to cultivate that appearance. Through conferences, seminars, years of experience, and discussions with design peers around the country, a deeper understanding of what makes lighting beautiful can be found. There are broad stroke ideas about the movement of the eye through a space and how to bring focus through the property by balancing different intensity levels. However there are also theories around niche aspects of the installation. How to properly utilize downlighting for example: good tree downlighting is placed at the right height, angled no more than 30 degrees out from the tree, at low intensity, and always countered by up-lighting. (Check out this page to explore more about good landscape lighting practices :

High Standards Produce High Quality

Most businesses that offer landscape lighting will see your installation as another job to get done with in the least time with the least cost – and as a business they can hardly be faulted for that. Our goal at Carolina Outdoor Lighting is not to turn a profit – that is only how we grow and support our team and their families. Our goal is to produce elegance, beauty, and joy for our clients. That is a goal a good designer takes to heart. Our designer, Jason Warren(ILLI trained and certified), always makes sure to come to the property at night shortly following installation, to guarantee every light is doing its job. And, truth be told, occasionally the final product doesn’t match the picture in his head. So, he makes it right. That may mean moving a fixture, adjusting it’s aim or intensity, or replacing it with one better suited to the task. Usually any fixes are simple and minor, but the extra step is taken every time. That commitment to quality is taken on, not for profit, but because of a respect for the craft and our customers. We have high standards for ourselves because we know you do too. If you want to explore some of Jason’s work and see his expertise put into practice, browse our portfolio (linked below). Use our contact links  on this page if you want to see the difference an experienced outdoor lighting designer can make at your home or business!